Call (902) 679-3664

How to donate food or funds
We receive food & monetary donations on Wednesdays from 8-10:30am and Thursdays from 9-12pm. For pick up of donations, call 679-3664. Checks or cash can be donated to any church in our area, who forward the donation on to us or sent to our mailing address is Fundy Interchurch Food Bank PO Box 933 Kentville, N.S. B4N 3H8. We are able to issue tax receipts. Our Charity number is: 88873 4860 RR 0001.
You can also donate through Canada Helps. If you use them, they will issue the income tax receipt.

How to be a Regular Donor
We can set up a regular giving gift through our banks. This is just like a regular transfer of funds from your account to ours. This way we can better budget through our lean times and do better food planning.

Host a Food Drive
It is easy to do. Contact our office, let us know the time and date of your drive, your intended target area and population. Promote the event through notices, media or posters.

Want to Volunteer?
Our director volunteers come from local church representatives and members at large. Our on-site volunteers are committed to one shift a week, once per month. We also need volunteers who are willing to do regular food pick-ups and special deliveries as required. We also need volunteers for special events.
Volunteer Application Form (PDF)
Volunteer Application Form (Word)

Want to Volunteer?
We receive fresh produce and pantry storage items. We have a constant requirement for bread, pasta, rice, milk products, eggs, frozen meat, canned vegetables, canned soups, and personal toiletry items like tooth paste, shampoo etc. If you are donating to a food drive, not directly to our food bank, non-perishable items are best.
Ideas for a Shopping List:
Canned Vegetables
Flour & Sugar
Pasta (Dried, Canned, Noodles, Rice)
The Fundy Interchurch Food Bank, a member of the Kentville, New Minas and Area Council of Churches is a volunteer organization that is committed to providing emergency food relief to individuals and families in an area generally comprising part of Greenwich, Port Williams, New Minas, Kentville, Coldbrook and surrounding areas.